Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Marking scheme on Physics Paper 3 Section B

Answering Technique Physics Paper 3 Section B. (12 marks)

a)   Inference (1 mark)              :    The MV affects the RV OR  The RV depends on MV

b)   Hypothesis (1 mark)           :    MV increase/ decrease RV increase / decrease

c)   i)   Aim (1 mark)                 :    To investigate the relationship between MV and RV
   ii)  Variables (2 marks)         : MV and RV (1 mark), CV (`1mark)
  iii) Apparatus and materials (1 mark)   : Write all the apparatus and material needed (include drawing in diagram)
  iv) Arrangement of apparatus (1 mark) : Drawing with label. (Drawing must be functional) (Size of diagram 1/2 page)
  v) Procedure (3 marks)          :
1. Write method to control MV (Value of MV) (1 mark)
2. Method to measure RV (1 mark)
3. Repeat the experiment 4 times, with (write 4 different values / 4 letters) (1 mark)
(Do not write!!: The apparatus is set up as shown in the diagram)
But, can write: Set up the diagram by using…….
 vi) Tabulate data (1 mark)      :
Value 1

Value 2

Value 3

Value 4

Value 5

vii) Analysis data (1 mark)      : Draw a graph RV against MV
                                                            RV (symbol,unit)

 MV (symbol,unit)

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